The reason is that these two things normally go hand in hand. Surprise? I bet some if not most of you, are surprised but I really kid you not. In fact, I am deadly serious. Losing fat gaining muscle is one of the best, if not the best way of achieving your fat loss goals.
In the good old days, muscle building was considered bad for sports performance mainly because our knowledge of muscles in physiology was not properly understood back then.
It was not until a decade or two ago, that through research and advancement in sports development, we came to know that muscles can greatly enhance sports performance for short intensive events such as gymnastics, 100m or 200m races.
It is now widely known that having more and bigger muscle fibres in your body, will lead to two things:-
(1) Your Internal Metabolism will be Maintained or Raised.
This means that your body will be burning excess energy faster than someone with less muscle fibres. Even when you are resting (i.e. - during rest days when you are not training), your body will still continue to burn excess energy and fat. This effect happens a lot to body builders.
(2) You will Burn your Extra Fat much Faster.
This is mainly caused by the raising of your metabolic rate. Having none or less muscles does not mean that you won't be able to lose fat, you will still be able to lose fat, it just that it won't be as fast as when you do have muscles.
So What Does This Mean?
Losing fat gaining muscle means that you should incorporate muscle building routines into your fat loss program. One way of doing that is to join a gym to do strength or weight training or do resistance exercises such as squats, push-ups, pull-ups which utilises your body weights.
This does not mean that you should ignore your cardiovascular training. By all means continue to do cardio exercises as well, but don't do too much cardiovascular exercises. Do more strength and resistance based exercises instead.
Note also that the exact opposite will occur when you starve yourself. Your metabolic rate will then slowed down to conserve energy meaning that you will not be able to burn more fat or burn a lot of fat.
Losing fat gaining muscle is one of the most effective ways to get down to that size that you have always wanted. Besides you will look much better with some muscles, than without or not enough.
Dean Louis loves a good challenge. He is extremely passionate and obsessed with Health, Fitness and helping people lose weight fast. For more information go to his websites - Fat Loss To You or 31 Day Fat Loss Cure